where and what

Note; please see entries about alums in body of blog, sample images of work on right, website links for alums below, and alum blogs lower right... and for goodness sake, follow!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Natalie McLaurin - Multiple shows!

Natalie Mclaurin is having an explosive fall kick off with numerous shows, curating and managing and sharing her blossoming talents -

The first show of which noted here: See link for facebook info: "I Am An Important Giant"

Coming Soon! - I AM AN IMPORTANT GIANT: A collaborative group exhibition at Antenna Gallery in which smaller-than-life installations explore the nuances of scale and the received relationship between size and quality. Organized by visual artist Natalie McLaurin, the exhibition features contributors from across the country.

FEATURED ARTISTS: Aila Blair, Andrew Roberto, Angela Berry, Angela Driscoll, Anna Thompson, Amy Pascha...ll, Ben Fox-Mccord, Bridget Mullen, Craig Branum, Deirdre Sargent, Ellen Ellis, Elliott Bennett Coon, Gary Oaks, Georgia Kennedy, Grissel Giuliano, Heather Muntzer, James Goedert, Jennifer McQuistion, Jeremy Pelt, Jessica Bizer, Julia Westerbeke, Katherine Aungier, Kristin Wanek, Kristen Breyer, Kyle Bravo, Lacey Prpić Hedtke, Laura Gibson, Lee Deigaard, Luke Forsyth, Molly Reeder, Nicole Handel, Rebecca Memoli, Robmat Butler, Rob Lomblad, Roy Williams, Ryn Wilson, Sara Marie Miller, Veronica Siehl, William Murphy and Zamie Casazola

3161 Burgundy Street
New Orleans, LA

Saturday, November 13 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm


See the link here: "Catapult"

First art opening at T-Lot, a new studio and project space in New Orleans, Louisiana

Featuring: Angela Berry-Hannah Chalew-Georgia Kennedy-Stephen Kwok-Natalie McLaurin

With installations by: Siobhan Feehan-100% EF&GDK-Eliana Dotan-Evan Parks-Hunter King-Sophie Lvoff-Jeremy Pelt

And video by: Dave Greber-Gordon Bell-Bob Weisz-Travis Diehl-Rae Filsinger-David Webber-SIK RAD BEST-and more

1940 St. Claude

Friday, November 12 · 7:00pm - 11:00pm

These two for a start! I believe there are a few more events and cross-over shows! Congratulations to one of our finest!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Been so busy with some new projects, work and family that I haven't been able to post let alone chase anyone down for a feature; Any volunteers? I believe many Alum are very busy doing many great things.
Have been hearing about some upcoming work from various places; Please share!
Would love to hear from you!
Couple of images of my own work - Laser cut felt - thanks for the tips.