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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Been Away, Getting Back

Been away for a big move, new digs, new studio, home, change of landscape.
Gotta catch up: Seen many of you doing many things and will have to past-post updates.

I've seen that Jude's got a restaurant he designed up in press, Kimberly's got followers I'm bumping into on the street and has more press, Pat has moved west into more fertile furniture design territory, Chen is doing some super work and if you didn't see the Noho Design week show, Greg, Chen, Ian, Kai, Matt, Sergio, presented - after having participated in the MAD series "On the Home Front".

Natalie is busy in New Orleans with more shows, Josh is doing the Brooklyn Renegade Craft Fair, and a  whole bunch of you are doing other things I haven't had time to write about but will, especially if you drop me a line to remind me!

Hope to have better coverage soon!